The Louisiana State Board of Architectural Examiners
The Louisiana State Board of Architectural Examiners regulates the practice of architecture, the development and application of standards, and programs for licensure and credentialing of architects.
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The trend toward more sustainable, healthy, and energy-conserving enclosures has brought building science and moisture management to the forefront of daily conversation for professionals in the construction industry. In this course, we delve into the science behind current practices and explore the role of building envelopes, optimal wall assemblies, and enclosures in vapor, water, air, and thermal control.
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There are a multitude of building envelope products used and a variety of methods taken for achieving energy and building code requirements. Understanding the different roles a product plays in the envelope simplifies its design. In this course, we take a look at the code requirements for buildings classified as IBC Types I–IV, paths to achieving compliance, and the number of roles polyisocyanurate insulation plays in meeting these requirements.
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In the fight against climate change, efforts intensify against the planet’s number one enemy—carbon dioxide. The building industry will play a significant role in these efforts. Embodied carbon—the global greenhouse gas emissions generated from sourcing raw material and processing, manufacturing, transporting, and installing building materials—will be the target over the next decade. This course will define embodied carbon, its impact on greenhouse gas emissions, the construction industry's impact, and the methods and tools that building designers can employ to limit embodied carbon.
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Centralized mail and package delivery is often a last-minute consideration that causes confusion due to the various compliance and accessibility requirements needed to complete the installation. This course is designed to demystify the process by providing a clear explanation of several mailbox installation specifications, accessibility standards, and design strategies.
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The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA®) is the only organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop and maintain builders hardware standards with cycling, operational, strength, security, and finish test requirements. This course explores the performance standards and the certification program related to commercial architectural hardware.
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Selecting the right grout for a project is essential for its success. In this course, we delve into the world of grout, exploring the various types available and their unique characteristics, strengths, and challenges. The course describes the latest innovations in grout that provide superior performance characteristics such as lifelong durability, flexibility, stain and mold resistance, color consistency, and sustainability, while also being easy and safe to install. Additionally, guidance is provided on the essential questions to ask during the selection process, ensuring that every aspect of the project is carefully considered to achieve the desired outcome.
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Roofing is one of the most common renovation projects on commercial buildings. Upgrading a roof assembly to meet current building standards provides an opportunity to save energy and maintain the necessary fire and structural performance. This course reviews the code requirements for commercial reroofing and discusses how reroofing can improve a building’s energy efficiency.
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Le besoin d’évaluer les ponts thermiques dans la conception et le rendement d’un bâtiment a gagné en importance en raison des exigences grandissantes en matière d’efficience énergétique des bâtiments. Ce cours sert d’introduction aux ponts thermiques, aux exigences du code de l’énergie et à l’usage de barrières thermiques conçues pour améliorer l’efficience énergétique de l’enveloppe du bâtiment.
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With faster build speeds, superior environmental control performance, and exceptional design flexibility, insulated metal panels (IMPs) offer many advantages over other conventional building envelope systems. This course details these and other aspects of IMPs and why they can be considered the key component of “the perfect wall.”
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The planet is currently in a water scarcity crisis, which is significantly affected by toilet water usage. This course examines the current plumbing codes, standards, and regulations that address toilet water usage, the need for and benefits of going beyond current standards, and the goals of a variety of beyond-the-code voluntary standards and rating systems, such as LEED v4 BD+C and ICC 700 National Green Building Standard®. It explains the various types of low-flow and ultra-low-flow toilets, their pros and cons, and their selection criteria. It concludes with a sampling of successful cost- and water-saving installations.
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The surface coating is the first line of defense in prepainted metal, and one of the most important elements to consider as part of a metal purchase. Selecting the right coating, finish, and paint system can affect product lifespan, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This course discusses the composition of prepainted metal, its application and performance, and examines the building and environmental factors that may influence the type of paint system specified.
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Undesirable acoustics in educational spaces have long been considered averse to our goals to effectively teach, create, collaborate, listen, and learn. Now, in the wake of implementing pandemic protocols, our acoustic comfort in these spaces is greatly challenged. This course examines the impacts of poor soundscapes in educational facilities and introduces innovative solutions for improving acoustics in these areas while keeping us comfortable and safe from exposure to emerging viruses.
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The inherent properties of concrete masonry, including strength, durability, and fire safety, have been well documented, though a perception of high cost persists. Due to significant changes to codes and standards that increased the flexibility of concrete masonry structural design, this construction method may also offer cost-effective and energy-efficient alternative solutions. This course reviews changes to ASTM C90 and the masonry design standard and includes a discussion on the benefits and opportunities these requirements bring.
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In the wake of the green movement, combined with rising energy costs, building sustainability has become an important topic. This course examines how foil-faced polyisocyanurate (polyiso) continuous insulation can function as a multiple control layer, providing a building with an air and water-resistive barrier and a thermal control layer. Additionally, this course reviews building codes and standards for meeting the continuous insulation requirements in steel stud building envelope designs, the benefits of using polyiso insulation in wall assemblies, and how polyiso insulation meets NFPA 285 requirements.
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The durability of a home is affected by how well it is protected from moisture. This course reviews the methods of preventing and managing moisture in walls, the installation considerations of moisture management products, and the required tests and acceptance criteria for water-resistive barriers.
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The primary purpose of a roof is to provide shelter and protection; to do so effectively over the long term, proper drainage and ventilation are required. Presented here are the categories of metal roofing, the moisture- and noise-related issues associated with architectural metal roofs, the use of a three-dimensional drainage and ventilation mat as a solution to these issues, and best practices for incorporating a mat in metal and cedar roof assemblies.
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In commercial, industrial, and parking structures, it is important to use doors that can provide speed, safety, separation, and security. High-performance roll-up doors provide all these elements better than conventional doors. This course provides an in-depth discussion of the different types of high-performance doors—fabric, rigid, and rubber—along with their benefits and functions in different applications. The design and installation considerations for using these doors are also discussed.
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Over time, different types of concrete have been developed for a variety of architectural applications, including cast stone, precast panels and shapes, glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC). These concrete forms differ in physical properties, applications, and cost. This course reviews the four essential types of architectural precast including their composition, functions, advantages, and specifications to facilitate the proper selection based on project requirements.
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Good acoustic and aesthetic environments are important to the health, safety, comfort, satisfaction, productivity, and general well-being of all building users. This course outlines the benefits of and methodologies for simultaneously creating both with wall and ceiling acoustic treatments. The highly illustrated course includes detailed descriptions of the many acoustic wall and ceiling treatment options available, as well as sample installations.
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As many jurisdictions move toward regulating or even outright banning wood-burning and natural gas fireplaces, designers are turning to electric alternatives. Vapor fireplaces use only electricity and water vapor to produce an incredibly realistic flame effect with zero particulate emissions.
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The construction industry has experienced a significant increase in moisture-related problems in exterior walls. This presentation explains how a rainscreen wall system prevents moisture accumulation within walls by providing a means for drainage and ventilation, thereby prolonging the life of buildings. Discussion topics include air and moisture movement in the building envelope, building code and water-resistive barriers, and stucco and thin veneers in rainscreen systems.
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Architects and other design professionals have a critical role to play in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions through building design and product selection. The urgent need to reduce both operational and embodied carbon means that building designers must be familiar with transparency documents that facilitate low-carbon product selection. In this course, we review the types of carbon of concern, transparency documents that provide critical information, and tools for sourcing embodied carbon information. We also look at the contribution of insulated metal panels to both low embodied and low operational carbon buildings.
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As the world increasingly pivots toward sustainable building practices, bamboo emerges as a leading contender among building materials, offering versatility, strength, and ecofriendliness. This course delves into bamboo’s history, properties, performance, and future in construction, uncovering its significant potential to shape a more sustainable and resilient built environment. The course also highlights the unique advantages and applications of bamboo-plastic composites designed to provide a strong, resilient material that results in less wastage than timber.
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Architectural metal fabric is a dynamic interior and exterior material used to create beautiful and functional façades, balustrades, and screening for a wide variety of commercial and public structures. This course discusses applications for metal fabric and its performance benefits, including safety, security, solar management, and sustainability. It also discusses how coatings and graphics technologies can be incorporated into metal fabrics to enhance branding and visual identity.
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The selection of windows and doors for a particular project must satisfy its aesthetic and functional requirements. However, we also want windows and doors to be safe, durable, leak-free, and energy efficient and meet the needs of those with disabilities. The International Building Code® and related standards ensure that windows and doors support public health, safety, well-being, and energy efficiency. This course provides an overview of the codes and standards for doors and windows, including weather resistance, durability, egress, safety, and accessibility requirements.