

41 Racine Road


ON M9W 2Z4


Phone: 416-497-7120

  • ( ~ 1 hour ) 

    To effectively combat climate change, we need to acknowledge the role that the building industry plays in global CO2 emissions. We need to shift not only how we think about designing our buildings but also powering our communities. This course will discuss how BIPVs can be integrated into both new and old buildings to improve performance and aesthetics and lower energy costs. In this one-hour course, we will discuss the value of BIPVs as both a high-performance building material and green energy generating solar panels. The various systems BIPV can be integrated into. As well as the various benefits that building owners can realize by integrating BIPV into their projects.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.