Continuing Education

Featured Courses

Courses that are popular, or that are of current interest.

  • As the most widely used building material, concrete contributes significantly to manmade global carbon emissions, around 8%. Portland and Portland Limestone Cements are the primary source for the CO2 emissions associated with concrete. Cement replacements are an important and powerful tool to lower the carbon footprint of the mixes used on your projects. This session will explain how Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) are used in concrete mixes to reduce carbon contents. New and traditional SCMs will be detailed and SCM Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) will be referenced to highlight why they are considered vital tools in the production of low carbon concrete. The course will also explain the multiple benefits of using SCMs in relation to concrete strength, durability, and utility across a wide variety of project applications.

    Date & Time Location Contact
    Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 11:00 EDT (UTC-04:00) Webinar Larry Rowland

    You can REQUEST a live event at a convenient time and location for you.

    There may be additional events available! See the course details page for more information.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • Managing a growing design firm offers a variety of unique challenges and opportunities. An unpredictable business environment and a quickening pace of change requires firm owners to adapt, but how can firm owners proactively prepare for growth in uncertain times? In this session, we will demystify the business planning process.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • There is more than one choice for a masonry wall system – and having the proper design details is crucial. By incorporating a few key elements and proper detailing, this will provide a resilient and enduring structure that will last the lifetime of the project. This program will discuss anchoring techniques for large veneers, crack control for both cavity wall and single wythe, and converse on specific graphic details that will help prevent moisture penetration for adhered veneer projects.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • Concrete with insufficient resistance to abrasion damage results in poor serviceability, costly repairs and reduced sustainability. This course is intended to help engineers and architects specify abrasion resistant concrete suitable for high wear applications including warehouses, manufacturing, transportation and other industries. Delve into the details of incorporating an integral hardening admixture into your specifications and compare it with other common methods for achieving durable concrete that resists damage from abrasion.

    Date & Time Location Contact
    Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 13:00 EDT (UTC-04:00) Webinar Elsie Lee

    You can REQUEST a live event at a convenient time and location for you.

    There may be additional events available! See the course details page for more information.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).


  • A comprehensive look at the tools and techniques of cleaning historic architecture. "Restoration Cleaning" categorizes types of contaminants. It compares and contrasts abrasive, water and chemical cleaning. The program concludes with 10 "must know" tips for successful restoration cleaning.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).