How Building Partitions and Floors Attenuate Sound

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Today, architects and designers need to give special consideration to building acoustics when developing plans for new and newly renovated construction projects. Excessive noise in any environment is considered a serious problem that can negatively impact occupant comfort, leading to learning difficulties, sleep deprivation, delayed recovery from illness, and lack of privacy. Sound basics are discussed in this course, and STC, IIC, and sound attenuation (reduction) techniques are explained. Various case studies are examined to develop further understanding of the performance of common sound abatement assemblies that are essential for occupant well-being and comfort.

Approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes. Delivered online, at your own pace.

Presented by Education Coordinator on behalf of Blue Ridge Fiberboard, Inc. . View the Privacy Policy .

This course is registered with: 27 Industry Association(s)