Efficient water use and conservation are key parts of sustainable development. Toilets account for the greatest water usage within a residential home (typically 30 percent). Dual-flush toilets are an option to reduce water usage by up to 20 percent while meeting the LEED® v4 Water Efficiency requirements. This toilet option can also be incorporated into accessible bathrooms and use touchless flush plates. The most attractive feature of the dual-flush toilet is that it does not require significant behavioral changes for benefits to be realized.
Approximately 1 hour. Delivered online, at your own pace.
Presented by Kelley DeBetta on behalf of Geberit North America. View the Privacy Policy .
Name: Kelley DeBetta
Title: Geberit Technical Sales Representative, Geberit
Background: As Geberit’s Technical Sales Representative, Kelley DeBetta oversees the training needs in the New York area. Since the beginning of her career with Geberit, she was their East Coast Trainer. Transitioning in 2014, she has focused primarily on the architectural and design community in NYC, presenting more than 100 CEUs to the top architects and designers on the East Coast and New York.
This course is registered with: 30 Industry Association(s)
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: AEC416-02:1
AIA/CES Learning units: 1
AIA approved course. This course qualifies for 1.0 LU/HSW Hour.
AEC Daily reports Learning Units on members' behalf.
Green Building Certification Inc. (GBCI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: 920030581
GBCI CE Hours: 1
GBCI approved for LEED Specific CE (BD+C, Green Associate). Course approval #920030581.
AEC Daily reports Learning Units on members' behalf.
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Hours: 1
This course qualifies for HSW.
American Construction Inspectors Association (ACIA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-01:1
Approval ID: AEC416-01:1
Credits: 1
This course is approved for ACIA RCI CEUs. This course qualifies for HSW.
ACIA members self-report to ACIA by submitting their certificate of completion to ACIA for RCI renewal.
American Institute of Building Design (AIBD)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CE Hours: 1
AIBD approved course. This course qualifies for HSW.
AEC Daily reports Learning Units on members' behalf.
American Institute of Constructors (AIC)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CPD Hours: 1
AIC approved course.
Hours must be self-reported to the AIC.
Building Owners and Managers Institute - Continuing Professional Development (BOMI CPD)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CPD Hours: 1
BOMI approved course. This program qualifies for BOMI Institute Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit for RPA, FMA, and/or SMA graduates. This course qualifies for HSW.
Members must self-report CPD hours.
California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CE Hours: 1
CCIDC approved course. This course qualifies for HSW.
Members must self-report CEU hours to CCIDC.
Colorado State Plumbing Board - Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-01:1
Approval ID: AEC416-01:1
CE Hours: 1
This course may qualify for credit with the Colorado State Plumbing Board - DORA.
Members must self-report CE Hours through the Colorado State Plumbing Board - DORA website at https://dpo.colorado.gov/Plumbing/CE.
Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Provider Number: 0004278, Sequence Number 0000031
PDHs: 1
FBPE approved provider.
International Code Council (ICC)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: 4410
Provider Number: 1293
CEU: 0.1
AEC Daily is an ICC Preferred Provider. This course qualifies for ICC Certification Renewal.
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CE Hours: 1
InterNACHI approved course. This course qualifies for HSW.
Members must self-report CE hours to InterNACHI.
The Louisiana State Board of Architectural Examiners (LSBAE)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-01:1
Approval ID: AEC416-01:1
Hours: 1
LSBAE approved course.
Credit hours will be reported through cebroker.com
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CE Hours: 1
AEC Daily is an NAHB Approved Continuing Education Provider.
Attendees/participants may submit 1.0 hours of continuing educator credit for consideration of the following NAHB professional designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, GMB, GMR and Master CGP.
National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CEUs: 0.1
NARI approved course.
0.1 CEU toward certification renewals. 1 Hour toward certification application.
National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
CEUs: 0.1
NKBA approved course.
NKBA members must self-report CEUs to NKBA.
Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: 146515
PDH: 1
AEC Daily is an RCEP-approved continuing education provider.
Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to RCEP.
Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute (RMMI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Credit Per Hour: 0.1
This is a RMMI approved course.
RMMI will confirm certification credit upon receipt of Certificate of Completion (members must self-report).
The Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Provider No.: A-002
Learning hours: 1
AAA approved course. This course is approved as a Structured course.
AAA Members must self-report their learning hours to AAA.
Architects' Association of New Brunswick (AANB)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: AEC416-02:1
Learning Hours: 1
This course may qualify for either core/structured or self-directed/non-structured learning hours.
Architects Association of Prince Edward Island (AAPEI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Learning hours: 1
This course is approved as a Core Learning Activity.
Members must self-record their learning hours on the RAIC|Architecture Canada Transcript Database, https://raic.org/transcripts.
Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Learning units: 1
AIBC members may self-report this learning activity for consideration of AIBC learning units.
Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
MRC Hours 1
CAHPI approved course, MRC Hours.
Members must self-report MRC hours to CAHPI.
Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
PDE Hours: 1
CSC approved course. This course qualifies for HSW.
Members must self-report PDE hours to CSC.
Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Architects (NLAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Learning units: 1
This course is approved as a core course.
Members must self-report LUs through the MCET National Con Ed reporting website. (www.architranscripts.ca/default.htm)
Northwest Territories Association of Architects (NWTAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Learning Hours: 1
This course is approved as a Structured course.
Members must self-report Learning Hours through the National Con Ed reporting website at https://www.raic.org/transcripts/default.htm
The Nova Scotia Association of Architects (NSAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416-02:1
Approval ID: AEC416-02:1
Learning Hours: 1
This course may qualify as a Core/Structured Activity.
Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Hours: 1
This course may apply to both OAA structured and unstructured learning as long as it addresses the required subject matter topics.
Members must self-report activity to OAA and retain your Certificate of Completion.
Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ)
Course Number/ID: AEC416 / Cours #AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416 / Cours #AEC416
Hours / Nombre d’heures: 1
This course qualifies for self-directed learning activity with the OAQ. / Ce cours est reconnu par l'OAQ comme activité d'auto-apprentissage.
Members must self-report hours to OAQ. / Les membres doivent rapporter eux-mêmes leurs heures à l'OAQ.
Saskatchewan Association of Architects (SAA)
Course Number/ID: AEC416
Approval ID: AEC416
Provider No.: 1036
Learning units: 1
This course is approved as a core course.
Members must self-report LUs through the RAIC National Con Ed reporting website. http://raic.org/transcripts.
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