Sustainable Office Decommissioning: Building Community, Reducing Carbon, & Embracing Circularity

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Roughly 10 million tons of office furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FFE) end up in landfills annually in the US and Canada. Sustainable decommissioning is an innovative solution that ensures that the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) value of workplace change is measured, maximized, and reported. This course reviews sustainable decommissioning, a proven strategy for reducing carbon, building community, and embracing circularity in corporate builds, moves, renovations, and refreshes. Also discussed is the role of sustainable decommissioning in meeting requirements in LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction (BD+C): New Construction and LEED v4.1 Operations and Maintenance (O+M): Existing Buildings.

Approximately 1 hour. Delivered online, at your own pace.

Presented by Heidi Frasure on behalf of Green Standards. View the Privacy Policy .

This course is registered with: 29 Industry Association(s)