The Advantages of Polyiso Insulation in Below-Grade Installations

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Polyisocyanurate (polyiso) insulation is one of North America’s most widely used, readily available, and cost-effective insulation products. While polyiso is currently most commonly known for its use on roofs and walls, this course focuses on the many benefits of using it in below-grade installations in order to meet energy codes, maximize the building foundation’s thermal performance, and extend the overall life of the structure. The course explores the requirements for three primary characteristics of any below-grade insulation—thermal performance, water absorption, and load capacity—and describes how polyiso meets or exceeds those requirements and protects the foundation waterproofing system.

Approximately 1 hour. Delivered online, at your own pace.

Presented by Steven Kristensen on behalf of Rmax - A Division of the Sika Corporation. View the Privacy Policy .

This course is registered with: 26 Industry Association(s)