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Flooding is an increasingly frequent and costly danger, and flood-prone areas are expanding in the US as storms worsen, floodplains expand, and sea levels rise. As a result, many homes and buildings that were poorly built were built without flood-resistant construction, or were inappropriately detailed have been swept away, demolished, or significantly damaged. This course begins with an overview of flood requirements and then explores the concepts and details of flood-resistant construction, provides detailed advice on how anchors, fasteners, and connectors can be used to create flood-resistant buildings, and records the relevant terminology, codes, and standards that should be used when consulting experts and authorities and designing flood-resistant buildings.
Approximately 1 hour. Delivered online, at your own pace.
Presented by Jim Mailey on behalf of Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc.. View the Privacy Policy .
Presenter Information

Name: Jim Mailey
Title: Midwest, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Training Specialist / Outreach Coordinator, Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc.
Jim is the Midwest, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic training specialist for Simpson Strong-Tie – a company that since 1956 has developed structural products to help people build safer and stronger homes, buildings, and decks.
Since joining Simpson Strong-Tie in 1992, Jim has given over 500 workshops and seminars to more than 35,000 design professionals, building officials, home inspectors, builders, contractors, and dealers.
Jim has developed numerous programs designed to educate industry professionals about how to install Simpson Strong-Tie® products as well as how structural products meet various building code requirements and safety standards.
Jim is considered an expert in flood resistant construction for wood-framed buildings in safe, outdoor wood deck construction, and provides economical product solutions to satisfy structural code requirements. He has written numerous articles about deck safety, has written for ThisIsCarpentry about deck construction, and has been quoted in contractor magazines, including Professional Deck Builder, Fine Home Building and Coastal Contractor, and numerous internet articles.
Jim's programs entitled “Flood Resistant Construction – Connections At or Below the DFE”, “Deck and Porch Framing Connections”, and “Continuous Load Path-Wood Framed Structures” review the correct and incorrect structural methods for building a wood-framed structure, including a deck and a home, show why some commonly accepted practices should not be used, and provides informative tips that the novice to the most experienced student will find useful.
Jim earned a B.A. in Biology from Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.