Building Products & Services

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  • CUPACLAD CUPACLAD is a natural slate rainscreen cladding system that provides a variety of cladding solutions from traditional to contemporary, offering architects and specifiers a wide choice suitable for any individual design.

  • Humboldt Sawmill Company Humboldt Sawmill is the leading supplier of Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C013133) certified redwood and Douglas-fir lumber products. Products manufactured at company-owned mills include redwood decking, timbers, and uppers, as well as Douglas-fir joists and planks, posts, and beams.

  • Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. For more than 60 years, Simpson Strong-Tie has focused on creating structural products that help people build safer and stronger homes and buildings. Considered a leader in structural systems research, testing, and innovation, Simpson Strong-Tie works closely with industry professionals to provide code-listed, field-tested products and value-engineered solutions.

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