New Tax Credit Offers a Win-Win Situation to Property Owners When They Install Window Film - Keeping Things GREEN

April 24, 2007

LOS ANGELES, April 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Thanks to Al Gore, everyone is talking GREEN. "Because of the uproar over Global Warming and its affects on our planet, people are recycling, buying energy efficient appliances and purchasing hybrid autos," says Robert Kerr, president of Epic Glass Tinting. "I believe that the application of window film on glass plays an enormous role in energy conservation and being a responsible citizen. "Whether it's commercial or residential properties, applying solar control film to glass rejects up to 80% solar energy," continues Kerr, "thus reducing the high use of air conditioning in the summer and less energy in heating during the winter. It also makes glass shatter-proof and can reduce your energy costs between 30-50%. It's a win-win situation, especially with the new tax credit into affect this year." The credit was included in the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005, which provides reductions in tax owed for people who buy energy-saving water heaters and cooling systems and retrofit their homes for solar energy. The act also includes replacing windows and mentions "other" products, which includes window film. The only catch, it has to be applied by the end of the year. Also, Kerr says that only certain high performance architectural films will work in terms of energy savings. The cheap film doesn't work in this area. "When you're talking about a hotel or large commercial building with thousands of square feet of glass, the energy savings also comes in the form of a rebate from SCE," says Kerr. "The ROI, or return on investment, payback is generally 3-4 years, depending upon the amount of square footage involved." Epic Glass Tinting specializes in the installation of state-of-the-art solar control, security, safety and anti-graffiti film on commercial and residential properties. Epic is an exclusive dealer for Panorama Window Film which produces high performance glazing products. Epic Glass Tinting services its clients throughout the State of California.
