Southern California Edison Customers the Nation’s Leaders Reducing Greenhouse Gases through Energy-Efficiency

March 26, 2007

ROSEMEAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Southern California Edison (SCE) and its customers are the nation’s leaders in reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) through energy-efficiency, according to comprehensive customer program results released this week by California utilities. SCE reports that total customer response to its energy-efficiency programs during the past five years has saved… * four billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), * enough energy to power 500,000 homes for an entire year, * reducing GHG emissions by more than two million tons, * the equivalent of removing 250,000 cars from the road. During the next two years, SCE forecasts its customers will save… * an additional two billion kWh, * reducing GHG emissions by another one million tons. “Our customers’ response to energy-efficiency programs makes it clear home and business owners are ready to do their part to save energy and help protect the environment if offered how-to information and meaningful incentives,” said John Bryson, chairman of Southern California Edison’s parent company, Edison International (NYSE:EIX). Bryson advocated a three-part national strategy for reducing GHG emissions during the next decade – expanded cost-effective energy-efficiency programs, a substantial increase in generation from renewable sources, and the development and commercialization of new technologies. SCE was recognized as a national leader in energy-efficiency this week by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The utility received the agencies’ 2007 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year award in the program delivery category. This is the sixth time SCE has received an EPA and DOE award for the effectiveness of its energy-efficiency programs. “We share this award with our customers,” said Lynda Ziegler, SCE senior vice president of customer service. “They are the ones who take the time to request one of our energy-efficiency rebates and then make the changes required to save energy and money.” The ‘07 ENERGY STAR® award SCE received recognizes the large number of food-service customers who responded to the utility’s programs during 2006, switching to more energy-efficient refrigeration, ice machines, convection ovens, fryers, griddles, and steamers. Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Gas & Electric also received ENERGY STAR® awards at an EPA-DOE recognition event March 21. SCE regularly collaborates with other California utilities on ways to enhance energy efficiency across California. “With higher summer bills just ahead, we encourage business and residential customers to check out the financial incentives available this year through our energy-efficiency and demand-response programs,” said Ziegler. “For example, customers can save as much as $200 this summer season by enrolling in our Summer Discount Plan.”
