Continuing Education

Building Envelope Guidelines for Mass Timber

Approximately 1 hour

As interest in cross laminated timber buildings grows, the market for building enclosure products, as a whole, has yet to fully provide the water-resistant barriers, vapor barriers, and air barriers to optimally support the unique characteristics of wood. Furthermore, there are few building enclosure design guides specific to detailing wood-framed walls, floors and roofs. This comprehensive course fills the gap, providing detailed information on mass timber, building enclosure issues, the vapor-permeable technology available to address wood’s unique moisture characteristics, and a how-to guide on detailing the walls, floors and roof of the enclosure.

Presented by various experts on behalf of VaproShield LLC.

Date & Time Location Contact
Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 13:00 EDT (UTC-04:00) Webinar Carol Danhof


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